Thursday, July 5, 2007

Cambodian Confidence

I have been in Phnom Penh for just over two days now. When I first arrived I was taken aback at how uneasy I felt. On the drive into town from the airport, the level of poverty was much more than I expected. For the first time, I quickly lied when asked the question "Where is your husband?" Usually I say I am single and discuss briefly how strange it is for a woman to be traveling alone or not married at all. But on Tuesday morning, all I could think was... you better not think I am alone.

I was shone my room upon arrival and it has a "view of the river"! It also has a view of the 10 moto drivers and 8 tuk-tuk drivers that sit around all day looking for customers to drive around the city. I did not feel that comfortable. I promptly fell asleep (it was about 9:45 am) and slept until 7 pm. The jet lag had finnaly gotten to me upon arrival at my destination. That and I was unsure if I even wanted to venture outside. I manage to stir up enough courage to make it one block down the street and eat dinner. I came back, completed some emails at my hotel, and then had a drink at the restaurant adjacent to my hotel. I think my go anywhere"" attitude got stopped at the boarder and was still awaiting a visa and a clear customs check. I decided to sleep it off, keep reading about the city, and in the light of day (if I could get up) things should be looking better.

Well, on Wednesday morning things started to feel more comfortable. I did a short run along the river to get my bearings in the other direction. I ventured 3 blocks to breakfast, through a local market to a charity gift shop. I negotiated a moto ride to a different part of town to try and meet up with a girl I had met in Bangkok. By the end of the day I was haggling in markets, refusing rides that were too expensive, and back on track to see what I had come to Phnom Penh to see.

Today was much of the same. The moto drivers outside my hotel listen the first time I say no, and only 50% ask me after they here my first no. (Although they think I am a bit crazy always running, walking, and looking for no assistance of theirs). I can finagle my way to different parts of town and find alternate routes back. I found REALLY cheap overseas calls and refused expensive ones many times. I chatted with a local who runs and open reading room and does read alouds for local children. I even bought a bus ticket out of town for tomarrow, as I feel that I have conquored the capital of Cambodia and am ready to move on to something new!

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