Monday, July 2, 2007

A Tale of Two Cities

The first think I need to point out is that I am in Bangkok and cannot for the life of me figure out how to get to appear in English. I have tried on multiple computers, but it just won't happen. SO, I am actually do this post blind.

My trip began about 2 days ago in LA. It was Saturday at noon when Rebecca picked me up for the airport. My flight took off exactly 48 hours ago. For me, it is actually Tuesday the 3rd at 5:30 a.m. I have been through immigration in 2 countries, spent less than 14 hours in each, and am about to get on another plane heading for a new country.

About 11 hours after I left LA, I landed at Narita airport outside Tokyo Japan. It was about 6 pm local time, but did not make it to a hotel shuttle until 7:15. It was a quite, dark ride and I was exhausted. I settled into my room by 7:50 and could barely stay awake for 30 minutes. I got a good night sleep, spent 2200 yen on breakfast (which I think is at least $15), took the bus back to the airport and prepared to head for Thailand. The drive was green and it was clear I was in a town like setting in the midst of the countryside. Maybe that's what my dad meant when he said "Urban Sprawl"?? Japan was clean (accept in front of the airport- it reminded me of LAX), organized, very efficient, and quite modern. My 14 hour lay-over was actually quite pleasant. The plane was empty and I had a very nice flight to Bangkok.

I flew into the new airport in bangkok and it was immense and new. However it took me an hour to clear customs. I guess that part isn't so efficient yet. I took the bus into the city and headed for KhoSan Road- Backpacker central. This visit began much better than my last 2 years ago and I really felt like I knew where I was going and what I was doing. I did some "window" shopping, had a beer during a down pour, and met a few fellow American women travelers at dinner. Couldn't find my hostel in the rain for the 2nd time in Thailand. The evening was... well... lets just say you've never been to Bangkok until you see the locals throw out a guy from a bar and beat the crap out of him. Sleeping didn't go so well after that. I woke very early, yet again, and shared a ride to the airport. I am actually quite glad to be leaving Bangkok. It is just how I remember it: smelly, humidity, dirty, and you don't know who to trust.

I am flying to Phnom Penh in just a bit and I am quite happy that I only spent the $40 dollars I changed into baht.

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