Monday, August 6, 2007

Back to Bali

On Friday, I took the minivan from Gapang Beach on Pulau Weh to the ferry, the ferry back to Banda Ache, a night bus back to Medan, a free car ride from a guys brother I met on the bus to the airport, a plane to Jakarta, 5 hours later a plane to Bali, and then a taxi to the east coast town of Sanur which was my home base last summer. 30 hours in total and I felt totaly at home in Sanur. I had a nice meal, went to a bar for a drink (imagine a real bar that serves alcohol), and then went back to my room for a hot shower and some TV. In the morning I did some internet that was actually faster than 1 page every 10 minutes, walked to the bach and had some lunch, and absorbed my new, yet reminicent surroundings.

The feeling of being back in Bali is not quite like deja vu, but it is so comforting. Most things look the same as I remember, but there has been some construction and new things to see. I could have driven myself if I had a car. Streets, sounds, people, prices... all look so familiar. I feel so confident walking down the street knowing where I need to be and how much the proper price is.

However, the change from Sumatra isquite dramatic. There were no tourists in Sumatra. Menus listed possibilities for dinner, but often only half was available. I'd have to often ask myslef, "Where in the world am I?" Quiet had a different meaning. But in Bali, there are westerners everywhere. Anything and everything can be gotten for a pretty good price. I knw where I am and how to get where I want to go. Quiet was an illusion I held close to my heart for the past year. Although there are some simple, secluded places in Bali (or so I thought), there is no comparison to the remoteness of Sumatra.

I am so glad to be back, and even more appreciative of where I have just come from.

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