Monday, August 13, 2007

Gili Trawangan

There are three small islands of the northwestern coast of Lombok know as the Gilis. They are Gili Air, Gili Meno, and Gili Trawangan from shore out, and smallest to biggest. They are know for having "no police," which means it is virtually the only place in Indonesia where there are drugs. It used to be a big backpackers party scence, but it is nothing like I expected. I went to Trawangan, the largest, with the most people, most established, and best place to party. By largest, it is ab out 10 km in circumference. The islands are also know for diving... most specifically because the locals have dynamite fished around the islands for years and there is no coral or fish left about 20 meters. However, deeper, it is still as amazing as any other sites in Indonesia I have been to. It is also a great area to see turtles, sharks, and manta rays.

Let me start by saying I have been here 4 nights already and I have been in bed by 9 o'clock. I guess the partying does happen, I have just been sick with a headcold, trying to get over it so I can dive. The atmosphere is quite laid back and it is easy to just laze the days away. I find myself wandering from one beachfront restaurant to another, lounging in their thatched huts against large, cushy pillows ordering fresh juices or Bintangs, reading or just watching the water.

It is quite exzpensive here, especially at the moment. It is high season and accomodation prices are up 100-200% from usual. It is quite hard to find a room, especially for less than 150,000 rp (or about $15). This is double that in Bali. Some people show up and do not find any accomodation at all. I have heard that they share rooms (8 in a room for 2) or sleep on the beach. I was sharing with a fellow traveller I met in Sumatra, but now I am without roommate and my housing costs have just doubled. I would like to stay for a while, as the first 4 days I have not really been able to dive, but I will see how long my cash holds out. There are no banks or ATMs here... just a few moneychangers that offer awful rates.

Yesterday, my dive did not go well and my ear was paifully blocked for about 5 hours. They always say not to dive with a cold, and I can tell you from experience... it is NOT fun. I had to postpone the dive course I wanted to take. But, I plan to do a few dives tomarrow and start my class, as my dive today went really well. After that, it is as many fun dives as I can do before my money runs dry!!!

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