Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The End

I am currently in Singapore airport headed back to California. It is quite familiar, as it should be considering I spent ofver 20 hours here last year. I am doing the usual: internet, artwaork, HD TV on the big screen, internet, shopping, sushi, internet, and hopefully a few beers.

I am trying to make sense of the last two months without much luck. My last two weeks in Lembongan were not like traveling at all. They were living in a town I wish I could move to. I keep reminding myself of all the places I have seen and countries I have been to during my travels. I can't make any headway, but I know it is coming to a close. I am sure the 16 hour flight I am about to take will help that, but who knows. With enough movies, free drinks, and sleep, I probably won't have any time for contemplation.

What I do know at this point in time is that I am so thankful for my journey and scared to hit the life that is my reality in the US. I have tried over the past two months to convey my thoughts and what I have seen and learned. However, I am not sure if I have accurately shown my happiness and health I have gained and maintained while abroad. My daily living in Indonesia constists of another language, interesting and exciting foods, little alcohol (I don't count Bintangs), phycial improvement and activity, no driving, and social interactions of true interest and learning from me and those whom I encounter. I cannot help but wonder how long it will be until I make the large leap I dream and talk about; how long it will be until I move here for an extended length of time; how long it will be until I am really fluent; just how long??????

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