Saturday, August 18, 2007

Trawangan Fine Dining

The dining options on Gili Trawangan absolutely blew my mind. I thought I was back in California. The prices were kind of high, compared to Bali and of course to the rest of Indonesia. However, the choices were endless. There was only a strip of restautrants, hotels, and bunglows about 1.5 Km long. It included a pizza and beer bar, and Indain restaurant, a Sushi place, a local warung with great cheap Indo food, many menus with western "mexican" food like chimichangas, quacamole and burritos, a western place with a wine list of 30+ bottles, ... the list goes on.Every place had fresh firsh and sea food set out each night for BBQing. Most bars would have a chalkboar signd that saing something to the effect of "we have F***in Bloody strong mushrroms." There was the moive place that had a big screen that show 2 pirated ovies a night and they had huts with TVs and DVD players so you could watch one of 600 pirated DVDs and eat ast your leisure. Horizantal bar had big, plush lounge chairs in the bar and large mats for on the beach. they served great martinis.

Now, I of cousre, spent a little time each night at the Irish Bar, Tir Na Nog. I am sure you son't find that hard to believe... Kimberly in and Irish bar. The local Vodka and Orange was 7000 rp, or 10,000 for a double!!! theire menu was great and they served brick oven pizzas. they also showed football on the big screen whenever it was on.

But my favorite place was Scallywags. It was an Organic restaurant with the most amazing dishes. It was a bit upscale, but I could not get enough. I would pay about 50,000 for a frest juice and an organic salade with imported cheese. Parmesean, goat, motzzerella..... and the leaves were just amazing.

You may think this is a bit silly... my report on the food. But in some places, tourists really run the market. I was flabbergasted by the variety, understaning of the prices as the locals (or western buisness owners) really had to work to get certain items on the menus, appauled at how commonplace this was for such a remote island, and astonished at my willingness to go right back into my old habbits of eating the best foods simply bcause I can. America is a culture run by food, and unfortuneatly, although I welcomed it a bit after some of the places I have been in the past month, The Gilis cater to tourists who have that same mentality.

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